check out our latest client news...
Break a leg to client CHARLIE BLANSHARD (@charlieblansh) who opens today in Jorvik - An Immersive Viking Play at the Barley Hall, York. The play written by Charlie & produced by Old York Theatre then plays venues in Manchester, Hull and Berveley. @oldyorktheatre @barleyhallyork
Feb 17

Clueless - A New Musical opens today in the West End and features lighting design by client BEN CRACKNELL ( The show at the Trafalgar Theatre is produced by Trafalgar Theatre Productions. @trafalgarent @cluelessonstage
Feb 15

Break a leg to client MARCUS JONES (@iammij) who opens today as Danny in the UK Premiere of The Dinosaur Who Pooped at the Civic Theatre, Chelmsford. The children`s musical by McFly`s Tom & Dougie is produced by Mark Thompson Productions and tours nationally until November. @mark_thompson_productions
Feb 15

Break a leg to clients JENNA DEARNESS-DARK (@jennadearnessdark) & LYDIA SHAW (@lydiashaw1) who appear today in The Players Theatre `New Faces` Music Hall at The CAA Club, London. The show is produced by Music Hall expert JAN HUNT.
Feb 14

Trailer released for the forthcoming series of Bergerac, coming soon to U&Drama and featuring client MATT SLACK ( @mattslackofficial) as Doug Marsh. @streamonu @uktv
Watch here:
Feb 6

Break a leg to client CALLUM MILLS (@itscallum92) who opens today as a Dancer/Aerialist in the production shows aboard the Celebrity Beyond. Callum will be cruising for Celebrity until 31 August. @celebritycruises @celebritycruisesentertainment
Feb 3

Break a leg to client JAMES HUDSON (@jay_jamesleehudson) who returns to the role of Don Everly in the UK Tour of Walk Right Back - The Everly Brothers Story for February dates only. The show is produced by Prestige Productions. @walkrightbackshow
Feb 1

Client JENNA DEARNESS-DARK (@jennadearnessdark) is currently appearing as Guest Soprano Vocalist in The Music of Hans Zimmer & Others concert tour, produced by Lancelot Productions/Star Entertainment. Jenna appears at select dates playing both UK and European venues. @themusicofhanszimmerandothers
Jan 29

The Addams Family will be returning for a limited 4 venue summer tour with lighting design by client BEN CRACKNELL ( The tour produced by Aria Entertainment opens at Birmingham Hippodrome on 10 July. @AddamsFamilyUK @AriaEnts
Jan 28

Break a leg to client LAUREN RICHARDSON (@lauren.richardsonl) who opens today as a Dancer aboard the `Islander` for Margaritaville at Sea. Lauren will be providing emergency cover in the production shows until 16 March. @margaritavilleatsea
Jan 28

Client MARCUS CHURCHILL ( @realmarcuschurchill) announced to play Captain/Paris in Romeo and Juliet 1998, that will be touring the UK from 25th Feb - 2nd April, produced by OVO. @ovotheatre
Jan 24

A CDM team trip to visit clients MATT SLACK and ANDREW RYAN in the legendary Birmingham Hippodrome pantomime, beautifully lit by BEN CRACKNELL. @brumhippodrome @mattslackofficial
Jan 22

Client MARTIN ALLANSON (@martinallanson) announced to play Phil Spector in the first UK & Ireland tour of Tina - The Tina Turner Musical. The show directed by Phyllida Lloyd opens at Curve, Leicester on 6th March and then tours nationally until April 2026. @tinamusicaltour
Jan 21

Client FIONA TONG (@fifilatong) continues in the UK Tour of Terence Rattigan`s Summer 1954 at Chichester Festival Theatre. The play produced by Theatre Royal Bath Productions & Living Theatre Productions then plays Richmond, Cheltenham & Oxford until 16 February. @chichesterft
Jan 21

Client TIM BARTHOLOMEW ( @timbakerbartholomew) appears as Dad in `Blind Date`, the latest commercial campaign for Current Account Switch Service airing now. @currentaccountswitchservice
Watch here:
Jan 20

Client EMMY WILLOW (@emmywillow1) continues as Lead Vocalist in the UK Tour of Disco Inferno - In Concert. The concert show produced by Veritas Entertainment opens tonight at Theatre Royal Windsor and then tours nationally until November. @veritasentertainment1 @theatrewindsor
Jan 17

Break a leg to client EMILY DAY (@emilymartineday) who opens today as the title role in Cinderella at An Lanntair Arts Centre, Stornoway. The show produced by Second Star Productions runs until 18 January. @anlanntair
Jan 15

Client JOSEPH ANNETTS (@josephannetts) appears as a Police Officer in today`s episode of World`s Most Evil Killers - William Devin Howell. The docu-drama produced by Woodcut Media airs tonight at 9pm on Sky Crime. @woodcutmedia
Jan 14

The UK & Ireland Tour of NOW That`s What I Call A Musical continues for 2025 at Southampton`s Mayflower Theatre with lighting design by client BEN CRACKNELL ( The musical produced by ROYO tours until 12 April. @thenowmusical @roomonyourown
Jan 14

Today sees the World Stage Premiere of Firebird at the King`s Head Theatre, London, directed by client OWEN LEWIS. The play produced by James Seabright Productions runs until 9 February. @livefirebird @seabrightlive @kingsheadtheatre
Jan 9

Client BEN CRACKNELL ( announced as Lighting Designer for the UK premiere of Dracula - A Comedy of Terrors, opening at the Menier Chocolate Factory on 8 March. @menchocfactory
Jan 7

The UK Tour of Joseph & the Technicolor Dreamcoat continues for 2025 opening today at New Theatre, Oxford with lighting design by client BEN CRACKNELL ( Produced by Michael Harrison Entertainment, the show tours until 10 August. @josephmusical @mharrison_entertainment
Jan 7

Break a leg to client PHILIP MEEKS (@mrphilipmeeks) who opens today as an Ugly Sister in Cinderella at Parr Hall, Warrington. The pantomime produced by Tony Peers Ltd runs until 12 January. @culture.warrington
Jan 3

Client TURRELL BARRETT-WALLACE continues as Swing, Laurens/Philip (3rd Cover), Lafayette/Jefferson (3rd Cover) in the West End production of Hamilton until 14 June. The musical at the Victoria Palace Theatre is produced by Cameron Mackintosh Ltd. @hamiltonwestend @cammackltd
Jan 2

Client HAYLEY-JO MURPHY (@hayleyjokristine) continues as Ensemble/3rd cover Lisa/4th cover Tanya in the West End production of Mamma Mia! at the Novello Theatre until 4 October 2025. @mammamiamusical
Jan 2

Client RICHARD PARNWELL (@richardparnwell) continues as 1st cover Christopher Wren/2nd cover Sgt. Trotter in the West End production of The Mousetrap at St Martin`s Theatre until 10 May. The play is produced by Brain Fenty. @mousetraplondon
Jan 2

Client THOMAS JUDD (@tjudderman) continues as Court Officer 1/Sergeant Randall in Agatha Christie`s Witness for the Prosecution at London County Hall until 16 March. The hit play is produced by Eleanor Lloyd Productions/Rebecca Stafford Productions. @witnessplayldn
Jan 2

Client JILL NALDER (@jill.nalder) continues as Ensemble in Les Miserables - The Arena Spectacular World Tour. The show produced by Cameron Mackintosh continues touring UK & International Arenas throughout 2025. @lesmizofficial @cammackltd
Jan 2

Clients THOMAS GOODRIDGE (@thetomgoodridge) - Joey/Topthorn hind & MADELEINE LESLAY (@madeleineleslay) - Paulette/Sarah Carter, continue in the UK & Ireland Tour of the National Theatre`s award-winning production of War Horse, touring nationally until 22 June. @warhorseonstage
Jan 2

Client HOLLIE NELSON (@hollnelsonn) continues as Phantom/1st cover Magenta & 2nd cover Columbia in the UK/Ireland Tour of The Rocky Horror Show. The musical produced by Trafalgar Entertainment tours nationally until 30 August. @@rockyhorrorofficial @trafalgarent
Jan 2

Client ROBERT FINLAYSON (@robert.finlayson.96) continues as Papa Mizner in Stephen Sondheim`s Road Show at Upstairs at the Gatehouse, Highgate. The musical produced by Chromolume Productions runs until 12 January. @upstairsatthegatehouse
Jan 2

Client ANGELO PARAGOSO (@angeloparagoso) continues to play Iago in the UK Tour of Disney`s Aladdin. The musical is currently playing the Liverpool Empire Theatre and completes its nationwide tour on 5 January. @aladdinuk
Jan 2

Client GREGOR DUNCAN (@gregorduncan95) continues as The Poet in The Choir of Man aboard NCL`s Encore. Gregor will will sailing with Norwegian Cruise Line until 31 May. @norwegiancruiseline
Jan 1

Client GRACE WARREN (@grace_warrenn) continues as Dance Captain/Singer-Dancer aboard the Seabourn Quest. The shows are produced by Belinda King Creative Productions and Grace will be cruising with Seabourn until 16 May. @seabourncruise @belindakingprod
Jan 1

Client EMILY BATE (@emilyebate) continues as a vocalist in the brand new shows aboard the Sun Princess, including the title role in original musical Vallora: A Pirate Quest. Emily will be performing for Princess Cruises until 22 March. @princesscruises @princesscruisesentertainment
Jan 1

Client JOSEPH CHEETHAM (@joecheetham95) continues as Dance Captain/Cast Manager in The Secret Silk and production shows aboard the Diamond Princess. He will be cruising until 10 February.
@princesscruises @princesscruisesentertainment
Jan 1

Client RICHARD RUSSELL EDWARDS (@richrusseds) continues as a Vocalist in the production shows aboard the Celebrity `Summit`. Richard will be sailing with Celebrity Cruises until 9 May.
@celebritycruises @celebritycruisesentertainment
Jan 1

Client DANI HARDY (@danii_hardy) continues as Dance Captain/Singer-Dancer in the production shows aboard the Marella Discovery for Marella Cruises until 2 February. The shows are produced by RWS Global. @rwsglobaltalent @marellacruises
Jan 1

Happy New Year from us all at CDM! Here`s to a happy, health and bright year for us all. May your 2025 be full of infinite joy, endless possibilities and exciting new adventures ahead... Michael, Russell, Chris & Hannah x
Jan 1

Huge congratulations to client JILL NALDER ( @jill.nalder) who has been appointed OBE for her activism around HIV and Aids in The King’s New Years Honours 2025. #Honours @cabinetoffice
Dec 31

Break a leg to client EMMY WILLOW (@emmywillow1) who appears as Lead Vocalist with Disco Inferno at tonight`s New Year`s Eve celebrations at Bla Bla, Dubai. The show is produced by Veritas Entertainment. @blabladubai @veritasentertainment1
Dec 31

Client SAMANTHA GIFFARD ( @samgiffard) appears as the Feather Expert in the new Bensons for Beds commercial campaign `Backstage at Bensons` airing now. @bensonsforbedshq
Watch here:
Dec 27

Wishing you a Christmas filled with a whole lot of fun and cheer! Merry Christmas from all the team at CDM - Michael, Russell, Chris & Hannah x
Dec 25

Sing Hallelujah - just in time for Christmas! The 2024 LIVE West End Cast Recording of Sister Act is released today on all streaming platforms and features client ALISON JIEAR ( @officialalisonjiear) as Sister Mary Patrick. @sisteractsocial
Dec 23

Fresh from opening in this year`s production of Peter Pan, client MATT SLACK (@mattslackofficial) announced to be returning for Birmingham Hippodrome`s spectacular 2025 pantomime - Robin Hood! @brumhippodrome @xroads_live
Dec 23

Break a leg to clients MATT SLACK (@mattslackofficial) - Smee and ANDREW RYAN - Mrs Smee, who open today in Peter Pan at Birmingham Hippodrome. The show produced by Crossroads Pantomimes features lighting design by BEN CRACKNELL ( and runs until 2 February 2025. @brumhippodrome @xroads_live
Dec 21

Break a leg to client ALLISON FERNS (@allison.ferns) who opens today as Carabosse in Sleeping Beauty at the DoubleTree by Hilton Brighton Metropole. The Brighton panto produced by E3 Events runs until 30 December. @brightonfamilypanto @e3eventsuk
Dec 19

Break a leg to client TREVOR WHITTAKER (@trevwhittaker) who opens today in ...Walks Into A Bar - A Rock Revue at The Space Theatre, London. The new musical co-written by Trevor has 2 development performances tonight and tomorrow 19 December. @walksintoabarrock @thespacetheatre
Dec 18

Break a leg to client IONA CRAMPTON (@ionacrampton) who opens today as Vesta Virile in Scrooge in Rouge at The Old Joint Stock Theatre, Birmingham. The in-house production runs until 30 December. @oldjointstock
Dec 18

Break a leg to client EMILY GALVIN (@emilygalvin_x) who opens today as Dance Captain/Ensemble in Jack & the Beanstalk at the Ipswich Regent Theatre. The pantomime produced by Enchanted Entertainment runs until 31 December. @ipswichregent enchantedpantomime
Dec 17

Break a leg to client VICTORIA LUCIE ( @victoria.lucie) who is appearing in Little Red Riding Hood: A Trial! at The Straw Yard, Berwick-upon-Tweed & Alnwick Playhouse. The show produced by Alnwick Playhouse & Tortive Theatre runs until 31 December. thestrawyardberwick @tortivetheatre @alnwickplayhouse
Dec 16

Break a leg to client NICK WYSCHNA (@nickwyschna) who opens today as Nightshade in Jack & the Beanstalk at Godalming`s Borough Hall. The panto which Nick also co-directs & produces for Wysch Productions runs until 28 December. @godalmingpanto @wyschproductions
Dec 14

Break a leg to client GWITHIAN EVANS (@gwithianevans) who opens today in Santa`s Christmas Cracker at The Guild Lounge, Preston Guild Hall. The show produced by Honalee Media runs until 24 December. @theguildhallpreston
Dec 14

Break a leg to client GEORGINA LILEY who has taken over the role of the Witch Mauvaise in Beauty and the Beast at The Marina Theatre, Lowestoft. The pantomime produced by Paul Holman Associates runs until 1 January 2025. @marinatheatre @phapanto
Dec 13

It`s Panto Day 2024 - oh yes it is! A huge shout out to all our wonderful clients currently working on pantomimes across the country, both on and off stage. #pantoday
Dec 13

Break a leg to client David J Higgins (@higginsdavidj) who opens today as Harold, Belle`s Father in Beauty & the Beast at the Lyceum Theatre, Crewe. The pantomime produced by Imagine Theatre runs until 5 January 2025. @crewe.lyceum @imaginetheatre
Dec 13

Break a leg to client KEVIN JAMES (@itskevinjames) who opens today as Billy Trott in Jack And The Beanstalk at Westlands Entertainment Venue, Yeovil. The pantomime produced by the Octagon Theatre runs until 5 January 2025. @westlandsyeovil @octagonyeovil
Dec 13

Break a leg to client EMILY DAY (@emilymartineday) who opens today as Dorothy in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz at Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone. The show produced by Second Star Productions runs until 31 December. @realleascliff
Dec 13

Break a leg to client MICHAEL CHANCE who opens today as Widow Twankey in Aladdin at the Wyllyotts Theatre, Potters Bar. The pantomime produced by Jordan Productions runs until 31 December. @wyllyottstheatre @jordanproductionsuk
Dec 13

Break a leg to client ROBERT FINLAYSON (@robert.finlayson.96) who opens today as Papa Mizner in Stephen Sondheim`s Road Show at Upstairs at the Gatehouse, Highgate. The musical produced by Chromolume Productions runs until 12 January 2025. @upstairsatthegatehouse
Dec 12

Break a leg to clients ANDREW CURPHY (@andrewcurphey) - Silly Billy and HANNAH EVEREST (@hannah.everest) - Jill, who open today in Jack & the Beanstalk at The Central Theatre, Chatham. The pantomime produced by Jordan Productions runs until 5 January 2025. @jordanproductionsuk @enjoy_medway
Dec 12

Break a leg to client NICK WILTON (@nick.wilton) who opens today as Dame Dilly Donut in Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs at Theatre Royal Bath. The show directed by PAUL MILTON (@paul.a.milton) is produced by UK Productions and runs until 12 January 2025. @theatreroyalbath1805 @ukp_ltd
Dec 12

Break a leg to client LYDIA SHAW (@lydiashaw1) who opens today as Daisy the Elf in The Night Before Christmas at New Wimbledon Theatre`s Studio. The show produced by Paul Holman Associates runs until 24 December. @newwimbledontheatre @phapanto
Dec 11

Did you see clients MARCUS JONES ( @iammij) & SUSIE CHAYTOW ( @schaytow) make an appearance last night on The One Show? Catch-up now to see Bonnie Langford`s feature on their knitted panto escapades at The Georgian Theatre Royal, Richmond. @thegeorgiantheatreroyal @bbctheoneshow @thebonnielangford
Watch here:
Dec 11

Birmingham Hippodrome favourite, client MATT SLACK ( @mattslackofficial) announced to play The Pharaoh for the Birmingham run of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The smash-hit London Palladium production plays from 20 May - 1 June 2025. @josephmusical
Dec 10

Break a leg to client CARA HEALY (@carahealy_x) who opens today as the title role in Cinderella at Northwich Memorial Court Theatre. The pantomime produced by Anton Benson Productions runs until 31 December. @brio_entertainment @abpltd
Dec 8

Cinderella opens today at the New Theatre, Cardiff and is directed by client MATT SLACK (@mattslackofficial). The show produced by Crossroads Pantomimes runs until 5 January 2025. @newtheatrecdf @xroads_live
Dec 7

Break a leg to client TREVOR WHITTAKER (@trevwhittaker) who returns to play Bjorn in My My! ABBA The Christmas Show for 2 performances at Cardiff`s Christmas Festival 2024. The concert produced by Veritas Entertainment opens tonight for 2 days in The Spiegel Theatre. @_liveunderthestars @veritasentertainment1
Dec 7

Break a leg to client OLLIE SELWOOD (@ollie_selwood_uk) who opens today as Ensemble in Goldilocks & the Three Bears at The Bristol Hippodrome. The show produced by Crossroads Pantomimes runs until 5 January 2025. @bristolhipp @xroads_live
Dec 7

Robin Hood opens today at The London Palladium and features lighting design by BEN CRACKNELL ( The show produced by Michael Harrison for Crossroads Pantomimes runs until 12 January 2025. @thelondonpalladium @palladiumpanto @mharrison_entertainment @xroads_live
Dec 7

Break a leg to client PHILIP MEEKS (@mrphilipmeeks) who opens today as an Ugly Sister in Cinderella at Scarborough Spa Theatre. The pantomime produced by Tony Peers Ltd runs until 1 January 2025. @scarborough_spa
Dec 7

Break a leg to client DAVID ALCOCK who opens today as Clement in Beauty & the Beast at the Grand Opera House, York. The pantomime produced by UK Productions runs until 5 January 2025. @grandoperahouse_york @ukp_ltd
Dec 7

Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs opens today at the Churchill Theatre, Bromley and is directed by client ANDREW RYAN. The show produced by Crossroads Pantomimes runs until 5 January 2025. @churchill_bromley @xroads_live
Dec 7

Break a leg to client MARCUS CHURCHILL (@realmarcuschurchill) who opens today as Dad/Father Christmas in The Great Christmas Sleigh Ride at Harlow Playhouse`s Studio Theatre. The show co-produced with KD Theatre runs until 24 December. @harlowplayhouse @kd_theatre
Dec 7

Break a leg to client ALISON JIEAR (@officialalisonjiear) who opens today as Fairy Moonbeam in Beauty & the Beast at the Grove Theatre, Dunstable. The pantomime produced by Evolution Productions runs until 5 January 2025. @grovetheatredunstable @evolutionproductionsuk
Dec 6

Break a leg to client DANIEL BREAKWELL (@dan_breakwell) - Prince Florizel & NANCY DOUBLEDEE (@nancy_doubledee) - Lilac Fairy, who open today in Sleeping Beauty at The Plaza Theatre, Stockport. The show produced by Extravaganza Productions runs until 5 Jan 2025. @thestockportplaza
Dec 6

Break a leg to client NATALIE TURNER (@nataliemarie_19) who opens today as Fairy Fifi in Beauty and the Beast at the Princes Hall Theatre, Aldershot. The show produced by Hopkins Associates runs until 31 December. @princeshall
Dec 6

Break a leg to client LIZ GARLAND (@lizziegarland) who opens today in a A Christmas Carol. The show co-produced by Forest Forge Theatre Company/Mischievous Theatre/Bumblefly Theatre tours until 12 January 2025. @forestforgetc @mischievousclive @bumbleflyco
Dec 6

Client BEN CRACKNELL ( announced as Lighting Designer for the World Premiere of Maria Theresia - Das Musical at the Ronacher Theatre, Vienna. The show produced by Vereinigte Bühnen Wien opens in October 2025. @musicalviennavbw
Dec 4

Break a leg to clients MARCUS JONES (@iammij) - Jim Hawkins & SUSIE CHAYTOW (@schaytow) - Long Jane Silver, who open today in Treasure Island at the Georgian Theatre Royal, Richmond. The in-house production runs until 5 January 2025. @thegeorgiantheatreroyal
Dec 4

The official trailer has landed for Disney`s live-action version of Snow White. The film features client ALISON EAGER ( @alisoneager) as a Dancer and is released in cinemas on 21 March 2025. @disneystudios
Dec 3

The UK Tour of Joseph & the Technicolor Dreamcoat opens today at Edinburgh Playhouse and features lighting design by client BEN CRACKNELL ( Produced by Michael Harrison Entertainment, the show tours nationally until 10 August 2025. @josephmusical @mharrison_entertainment
Dec 3

Break a leg to client EMILY ESSERY (@emolleee) who opens today in The Owl Who Came for Christmas. The show produced by NLP/Curve opens today at Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury before touring to The Haymarket, Basingstoke & Palace Theatre, Westcliff. @theatre.severn @norwelllapleyproductions
Dec 3

Client ALLISON FERNS (@allison.ferns) will be hosting Kerry Ellis Does Christmas tonight at The Leatherhead Theatre, Surrey. The concert is produced by Unusual Theatre. @kerryellis79 @leatherheadtheatre @unusualtheatre
Dec 2

Break a leg to client SHANE MORGAN (@shanemorgan77) who opens today as lead vocalist in the USA Tour of Fairytale of New York. The show opens at Bergen Performing Arts Centre, Englewood and then tours nationally until 22 December, including one night on Broadway at Sony Hall. @fairytaleny
Nov 30

Break a leg to client ROBERT REES (@robmrees) who opens today as Buttons in Cinderella at the King`s Head Theatre, Islington, with Movement Direction by EMILY GOLDING-ELLIS (@emilygoldingellis_ / @egechoreography). The panto co-produced with Little Angel Theatre & Elphin Productions runs until 5 January 2025. @kingsheadtheatre @littleangeltheatre @elphinproductions
Nov 30

Break a leg to client ADAM ANDERSON (@adamandersonactor88) who appears as a Vocalist tonight in The Music of Jersey Boys By Candlelight tonight at Exeter Cathedral. The show is produced by Concerts By Candlelight. @exetercathedral @concertsbycandlelight
Nov 29

Break a leg to client BRAD FITT (@bradfitt75) who opens today as Nurse Nellie in Sleeping Beauty at Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury. The pantomime produced by Evolution Productions, which is also directed by Brad runs until 12 January 2025. @theatre.severn @evolutionproductionsuk
Nov 29

Break a leg to client JESSICA MARTIN (@jessica_martinvibe) who opens today as The Spirit of the Ring in Aladdin at Cheltenham`s Everyman Theatre. The pantomime produced by Mark Goucher runs until 12 January 2025. Jessica is also Resident Director on the show. @everymanchelt
Nov 29

Break a leg to client GLYN DILLEY (@glyndilley) who opens today as Baron Hardup in Cinderella at the Winding Wheel Theatre, Chesterfield. The pantomime produced by Paul Holman Associates runs until 31 December. @cfieldtheatres @phapanto
Nov 29

Break a leg to client MISHA MALCOLM (@mishafineapple) who opens today as Mother Nature in Jack & the Beanstalk at CAST, Doncaster. The in-house production runs until 5 January 2025. @castindoncaster
Nov 29

From all the team at CDM, a very Happy Thanksgiving Day to our American clients and colleagues!
Nov 28

Cinderella opens today at Cambridge Arts Theatre and features set design by client IAN WESTBROOK ( @3d_creations_design). The in-house production runs until 5 January. @cambridgeartstheatre
Nov 28

The Little Mermaid opens today at Theatre Royal, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and features lighting design by client BEN CRACKNELL ( The show produced by Crossroads Pantomimes runs until 12 January 2025. @newcastletheatreroyal @xroads_live
Nov 26

Break a leg to client ALICE MCKENNA (@alicemarymckenna) who opens today as Billie Eyelash, the Fashion Fairy in Mother Goose - The Rock n` Roll Panto at Theatr Clwyd, Mold. The in-house production runs until 19 January 2025. @theatrclwyd
Nov 23

Break a leg to clients NICK BRITTAIN (@nickjbrittain) - Ensemble/Cover & SHELBY SPEED (@shelbyspeed) - Dance Captain/Ensemble/Cover who open today in The New Adventures of Peter Pan at the Mercury Theatre, Colchester. The in-house production runs until 19 January 2025. @mercurytheatrecolchester
Nov 23

Break a leg to client HILARY O`NEIL (@hilsoneil) who opens today as Fairy Bowbells in Dick Whittington at Theatre Royal Windsor. The pantomime produced by Bill Kenwright Ltd runs until 12 January 2025. @bkl_productions @theatrewindsor
Nov 22

Break a leg to client KIM CRISWELL (@kimcriswellkahr) who creates the role of Elaine in the development workshop performances of new musical Indigo. The show written by Scott Evan Davis & Kait Kerrigan is produced by Sing Out Louise Productions. @singoutlouisebway
Nov 21

Break a leg to client GWITHIAN EVANS (@gwithianevans) who opens today in the UK Tour of A Christmas Carol, produced by Honalee Media`s Crime & Comedy Theatre Company. The plays opens at Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury and then tours until 12 December. @crimeandcomedytheatre @theatre.severn
Nov 20

Break a leg to client SAM PAY who opens today as Elfred, the Frost Giant in the World Premiere stage adaptation of Odd and the Frost Giants at The Unicorn Theatre, London. The in-house production runs until 31 December. @unicorn_theatre
Nov 19